"Fica, vai ter bolo!" Collaboration Project

Fica, vai ter bolo! besides being the title of the series that I produced for my exhibition at Galeria Virgilio (São Paulo, Brazil, 2018), it also gives a name to the collaborative project that I created to integrate the show.

It is a collaborative painting project that started from the invitation that I did in discussion groups in a social network.

The proposal was as follows:

“To participate, interested parties must meet the following conditions:

1- To contact the artist and commit to the terms of participation;
2 – Any interested party can participate, not needing to be a painter or artist, as long as you commit to these terms;
3- There is no selection. The first 20 people who commit to the project will be the participants of the project;
4- After contact, the participant must make a painting, in oil on canvas, in the dimensions of 10 x 15 cm;
5- No dropouts are accepted;
6- The painting, must be figurative (without necessarily being realistic) based on a scene of celebration (birthday party);
7- The painting must be delivered at the address of the artist’s studio in São Paulo, until March 15, 2018;
8- The 20 paintings delivered will be presented and marketed by Galeria Virgilio, in São Paulo, during the individual exhibition of Carolina Paz that will occur in April 2018;
9- Work is a polyptych marketed exclusively in the set*;
10- If the sale is made, 50% of the part that belongs to the artist will be divided among the 20 participants. ”

*During the exhibition period, the gallery questioned me and consequently the participants if the paintings could be sold separately. I consulted the group, and, through unanimity, they allowed the commercialization of the paintings one by one.